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Meisner Intensive Acting Workshop 9 with Steven Ditmyer

  • Directors Lab 6 pojūčio Antakalnio g. 4A, 10308 Vilnius Lithuania (map)

Meisner Intensive Acting Workshop 9 with Steven Ditmyer
Advanced Scene Work (Actions and Super Objectives)
with SHOWCASE Performance

Actions and Super Objectives

Monday, 24 July - Tuesday, August 1 12-4PM (except July 29 Saturday day off)
Strictly Limited Places: Maximum 9- 12 Actors (only for those who have taken Workshop 4 or 5)
Apply now or book a tikcet for final showcase :

9 workshop: 625.- € / EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 550.- € until Friday, July 1, 2023
Observers price: 280 Eur/8 days or 40 Eur/ day

An actor’s script is a coded message for what the playwright intended. When composing a script, the playwright imagines what each of his characters is doing in the most-minute detail. But, apart from a stage direction here and there, he only writes down what the characters say.

The actor’s job is to examine the playwright’s words and figure out why his or her character utters that dialogue. In other words, work backward from the script and try to understand what the character is doing and why the character is doing it.

Using a scene, which I will give you, you (the actor) will learn:

1. How to identify your Super-Objective (the characters overall wish or dream).
2. Find your Objective in the Scene (the characters wants and desires which are connected to your overall super-objective).
3. Identifying the Obstacles in the way of your objective.
4. And then identify and execute Actions (Intentions) which are active doings aimed at overcoming those obstacles and achieving your objective.

*As we will be ending this workshop with a public performance of the scenes, we will be meeting for a longer period of time than the regular 5-day workshops. 7 rehearsal days with a performance on the 8th day.

Register for workshop and final showcase: